The Man Who Wouldn't Die - (1942)

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The Man Who Wouldn't Die - (1942)
  • Год: 1942
  • Создатель кинофильма: Херберт А. Лидз
  • Перевод : MVO
  • Длительность: 65 мин. / 01:05
  • Рейтинг: 83.6
  • Актёры: Билли Беван, Олин Ховлин, Лерой Мэйсон, Хелен ейнольдс, Пол Харви, ичард Дэрр, Генри Уилкоксон, оберт Эмметт Кин, Ллойд Нолан, Марджори Уивер
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: The Man Who Wouldn't Die
  • Описание фильма: I Caught this film late night on BBC2 one Friday and I was pleasantly surprised. Roger Moore is one of my favourite actors but even I have to admit he doesn't have the most glowing CV. This was really good though. There are great performances from Rog and McDowell.
    The director skillfully mixes comedy and suspense never overbalancing the film with too much of one or the other. I think it would have been good if the film had of had a slightly larger budget to up the production quality a little, I think then it could have been released theatrically and comfortably made its money back.
    I wish Roger were in Moore (good one eh?! erm ) movies but I guess he doesn't have so much time with all his charity work and being on TV etc. No matter, its always a pleasure to see him in a quality film or show.

    This film concerns a writer of mystery stories who bases his villain on a criminal, played by Malcolm McDowell, who is incarcerated in prison. Escaping prison after his apparent death in a fire, the criminal plans to revenge himself on the writer (Roger Moore) for 'stealing his personality', and proceeds to carry out a set of murders based around the novels. Moore is unable to convince the authorities of the true murderer and, alerted by an avid fan (Nancy Allen) who has psychic powers, seeks to trap McDowell into giving himself away. Written by Leslie Moss
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 770
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