One Nation Under God - (1993)

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One Nation Under God - (1993)
  • Год: 1993
  • Создатель кинофильма: Теодоро Маньячи, Френсин Ржежник
  • Перевод : MVO
  • Длительность: 83 мин. / 01:23
  • Рейтинг: 96.8
  • Актёры: Robert Cabaj, Gerald Davison, Gary Cooper, Стефани Корт, Ralph Blair, Michael Chu, Joe Dallas, Пэт Бьюкэнэн, Michael Bussee, Фил Донахью
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: One Nation Under God
  • Описание фильма: Associated with right-wing Christian evangelicals, Exodus advocates conversion of homosexuals into heterosexuals through various programs--although precisely what these programs are, how effective they are, and whether such conversion should be attempted at all have been contentious issues since the organization formed in 1976. ONE NATION UNDER GOD seeks to describe Exodus and similar programs and compare their somewhat vague success stories against the realities of those who attempted this sexual conversion and crashed and burned.
    The major focus of the film is on Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper. Bussee was among the five co-founding members of Exodus; Cooper was an Exodus volunteer who is sometimes described as a co-founder, depending on the exact source. Both were gay men determined to become heterosexual--but precipitated a mighty scandal in the Exodus ranks when they instead fell in love with each other. Other notables interviewed include Frank Worthen, founder of Love In Action, which pre-dated Exodus; and Martin Duberman, noted author, a gay man who sought to become heterosexual through psychotherapy and whose book CURES documents the process he underwent.
    As these and other interview subjects speak out on camera they are occasionally interrupted by "scientific films" drawn from the 1950s and 1960s; religious leaders who condemn or support, as case may be; and some unintentionally hilarious moments, including one that can only be described as "beauty tips for lesbians." The result is a collage of questions to which no two people have exactly the same answer. Can one change one's sexuality? Or not? If so, how? And if so, is it actually a desirable sort of thing? Although ONE NATION UNDER GOD clearly comes down on the side of those who claim that "ministries" such as Exodus are little more than dangerous pseudo-science, the answers to the questions are not quite as clear cut as one could wish--which is, in fact, one of the points the film makes: to this date there has been no serious study of Exodus' success rates. The DVD offers a reasonable transfer, but there are no bonuses of any kind--a great pity in this instance, for it is a fascinating subject that bears considerably deeper investigation than this fairly short film allows.
    GFT, Amazon Reviewer

    TV's biggest stars will be going head-to-head at the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards! These ultimate thespians of drama have wept their ways into our hearts and homes, and now, their teary-eyed efforts will be rewarded! But only if they can survive a steel cage of emotions and edge out their co-stars and castmates in these head-to-head matchups!
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  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 716
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