Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback - (2006)

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Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback - (2006)
  • Год: 2006
  • Создатель кинофильма: Дитмар Пост, Люсия Палашиос
  • Перевод : Многоголосный
  • Длительность: 100 мин. / 01:40
  • Рейтинг: 81.6
  • Актёры: Дэйв Дэй, Гари Бюргер, Джон Спенсер, Gerd Henjes, Вольфганг Глушчевски, Ларри Кларк, Hans Joachim Irmler, Эдди Шоу, Дженезис Пи-Орридж, Jimmy Bowien
  • Страна: Германия, Испания, США
  • Имя фильма: Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback
  • Описание фильма: Format: DVD The fact that a documentary like this exists in the first place is a testament to the influence of the subject and the temerity of the film-makers. The influence of these five GI's pioneering work in deconstructing sound has been recognised and reverberates constantly throughout the oeuvre of much of today's music.
    There's no disputing that seeing those Beat Club clips in such great shape indicated just what a force of nature that the monks were.
    The way the story is told is a departure from how these things often play out. The guys tell their own story and the talking heads are kept to a minimum. There are many cool extras on this DVD release including the full German TV clips and a great interview with Dave Day.
    I think Roger passed away before the film was finished and of course, Dave Day passed since it came out. monk music (note that lower case) has been enjoying something of a roll in the metaphorical hay of late. With many publications lauding their work and it's all as a result of this fine, lovingly-made documentary getting the ball rolling.
  • Качество: DVD
  • Просмотры: 762
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