Lost in Fansubs (видео) - (2009)

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Lost in Fansubs (видео) - (2009)
  • Год: 2009
  • Создатель кинофильма: William Jimenez Jr.
  • Перевод : DVO
  • Длительность: 60 мин. / 01:00
  • Рейтинг: 69.6
  • Актёры: Jasmine Denise, Anime Next Cosplayers, Стеф Ортиз, Лиза Адамс, Stephanie Zawolski, Веллингтон Хименез, William Jimenez Jr.
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Lost in Fansubs (видео)
  • Описание фильма: Ever used an online translator such as Babelfish to translate a web page or large block of text between two languages with very different grammatical structures, that also include slang or figures of speech? Yeah. Good luck dissecting the result, because while most of it may be accurate enough to make sense of with some effort, there will be many bits of complete and total gobbledegook that will leave you absolutely baffled. For extra fun, try translating the same piece back and forth several times. A few iterations will usually be enough to reduce it to complete nonsense. There's a web site called Translation Party that does exactly this, via Japanese. It's quite hilarious.

    Latin is very often one of the first languages to go horribly and irreparably wrong. It is very obvious to teachers if you have been using translation software on it. For example, the English sentence "I went home and I lay down on the couch to happily read poems, drink wine, and eat grapes," is properly translated into Latin as "Ivi ad domum et recumbi supra lecto ut laeta legem poemas, ut bibem vinum, et ut edem uvas." Google Translate gives the Latin as "Domum meam pono toro feliciter legant et carmina vino et comede uvas." This in English comes out as "My house I place for couch luckily they lay and songs for wine and comedy grapes." The grammar isn't even remotely correct.

    Frustrated fans of Japanese-only visual novels sometimes make use of automated tools to extract the text from the game and feed it into babelfish like translators. Good luck making any sense of the results.

    The English word "Does", when used in a question ("Does this work?"), is translated into Hebrew as Ha'im. Another Hebrew word, Ha'em, is spelled exactly the same way and means "the mother". This once caused an international incident.

    Fire extinguisher sign says "Hand Grenade".

    Thanks to the United States' large Hispanic minority and membership in NAFTA, it is common to find Spanish translations of English text in products, government forms, signs, etc. However, the quality of the translations varies drastically. An example: the packaging for a set of name-brand computer speakers translates "Full range drivers for crisp and realistic sound reproduction" as "Conductores repletos avanzados de gama para la patata frita y la reproducción sano práctica"— that is, "Advanced stuffed drivers of range for the french fry and the practical healthy reproduction". The gender for "healthy" is incorrect (it should be "sana").

    Nobody's really sure if it was a troll or a spam bot or some poor sap with a bad translator, but a now-famous post from the 4chan Image Board consisted of "LOL at the screenshot ! Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" The thread was instantly derailed. People think he meant "Has anyone else really decided to go that far in wanting to be more like", or "Has any other company gone this far to make a game look realistic?"

    Not a translation per se, but YouTube 's over a year or two old added "Transcribe Audio" function currently only seems able to generate Transcription Train Wrecks, with some rare occasions of being correct. The transcriber seems to think that everything and anything is related to American politics.

    raocow 's Let's Play videos are wonderful examples. His commentary is already a surreal string of Breathless Non Sequitur with a hint of French-Canadian accent, but once the subtitles try to transcribe it, it's like you get two videos in one.

    Turn on the transcribed captions on the video version of Quarter-Life: Halfway to Destruction , and the line "Bad guy from the game said" becomes "John McCain said". You laugh, you lose. What's even funnier is that "Gordan Freement" becomes "Good morning Andrea", "This is Gordan Freeman" becomes "This is Morgan Freeman ", and the enemy headquarters doesn't go to the Atlantic Ocean, but rather Gordan pushes quarters into World War II.
    Thickly-accented, fast-talking, slightly lisping Irish comedian Dara O'Briain produces some interesting ones, too. His voice is understandable to any English speaker, but seems to confound speech recognition software.

    James May : "This is the Ferrari 458 Italia" becomes "this is a lot of poets the ferrari four fourty-five exam".

    Seeing Chris-Chan singing his "parody" of Girlfriend with the train wreck translation of the captions makes the video 10 times funnier.

    Watching this video of someone getting a strike in Mario Party somehow got out "what really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really". In a part where there was no speaking whatsoever. It's the sound of the shell sliding down the lane.

    Similarly, an acapella cover of the Super Mario Bros. theme song, which really consists of "do do do" over and over again, results in "he hasn't been hispanic data tennis player bloom", "institution international terrorists all right thanks ralph" and "status tuesday national champions". The captions have been "updated". They now think the video is in Russian. Adhering to the spirit of the trope, translating the captions into English gives some sort of bizarre political commentary related to terrorists and Copenhagen, among other oddities.

    Transcribing episodes from the first season of MLP: FIM produced 9C%93&q=youtube+caption&min_score=&max_score=&sf=score&sd=desc&commit=Search'>some oddities, leading a person to string them together in a vague sort of alternate plotline, showcased on a (now-defunct) blog called My Little Pony: the Armenian Democrat Conspiracy, involving bizarre marriage proposals and Pinkie Pie having connections in the Equestrian senate. One of the characters in the series even got canonically named after a YouTube transcription error thanks to the fandom running with that as his name and Hasbro rolling with it. Congratulations, Youtube, you officially named a sea serpent Steven Magnet.

    You'd think using transcribe audio would allow you to understand what The Ultimate Warrior says. Wrong.

    There's a video that collates every single time the word "pony" is used in the first season of My Little Pony. Putting audio transcriptions on results in quite likely the best thing to ever come out of the show.

    Scott Manley makes science and video game videos, but his Scottish accent and frequent use of scientific terminology appear to represent a worst case scenario for the caption generator.

    When Acres cartoons in English were still on YouTube, the audio transcription transcribed one of the songs in Kiddie Korner's lines, "Where do you wander?" as a reference to ◊ The Little Mermaid , Temp Trouble having this line ◊, which made it sound like Wade was asking Aloysius if he can have sex with him rather than questioning Aloysius' authority, and these ◊ three ◊ gems ◊ note  last image's caption may be NSFW in "Wanted: Wade".

    The transcriptions can even appear on videos that aren't in English, but they can either be translated from another language or be interpreted from the original language into English. For example, a copy of the first episode of Happiness Charge Pretty Cure which had subtitles available in English had Hime saying she doesn't want to go to Iraq ◊, and a Norwegian episode of The Magic Adventures Of Mumfie with subtitles available in German had, when translated into English, Mumfie saying that he shoots animals so that they can be turned into magic polish ◊. Related to the above, this video, which showcases some of Accelerator's quotes in the Toaru Majutsu no Index PSP video game, which is in Japanese. "dat ass on engineer", indeed.

    The Gaming Garbage /Video Game Abomination Broadcasting/Interactive Gaming Television Online Video Entertainment reprise of "Let's Play: "Trelyate"!!!!" : "Let's Play: "Trelyate" According to Youtube's Transcript"
    The youtube captions for this 2 part video game countdown are probably the best moment of a youtube caption failing. The captions do not even make sense the slightest bit. Though this probably has to do with the fact that the countdown artist has a thick Finnish accent and the Loads and Loads of Characters in the countdown, but even so it managed to translate one single dialogue differently during the 15 times that it showed up.

    A class in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was once given in English as "Assyrian sawmills in Nepal". The intention was "Prisms of Ashurbanipal". Why? Prism and Sawmill are spelled the same way in Hebrew, and the name of the king Ashurbanipal could, if you split it into two words (and why would you?), read "Ashur" (Assyria) "b-Nepal" (in Nepal).

    The back of this DVD's description of Family Guy found in Vietnam (although it might have been made in China) hod olmost ovory word spolt with on "O" instood of corroct vowels like "A", "E", and "I". Also, here's a few gems from this:
    Lois,the dohing mother who xan't figuro out why bor boby ron Koops trying to kill hor. *  Lois, the doting mother who can't figure out why her baby son keeps trying to kill her.
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 840
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