Дорога на Гальвестон (ТВ) - (1996)

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Дорога на Гальвестон (ТВ) - (1996)
  • Год: 1996
  • Создатель кинофильма: Майкл Тошиюки Уно
  • Перевод : Профессиональный многоголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 93 мин. / 01:33
  • Рейтинг: 93.6
  • Актёры: Сисели Тайсон, Джеймс МакДэниэл, Пайпер Лори, Пенни Джонсон, Тесс Харпер, Брэндон Хэммонд, Старлетта Дюпуа, Кларенс Уильямс III, Стивен ут, Дэннис Леттс
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: The Road to Galveston
  • Описание фильма: Edit Storyline
    Jordan Roosevelt, at 65, found herself alone, destitute, and depressed. Up against the wall, she took heart from the suggestion of a friend, a blind woman who was a nurse: enter a foster care program in which one takes care of patients in their own home. The patients she cares for are Alzheimers sufferers, and she shares her home with three other women in advanced stages of the disease, one (Gayle) wheelchair bound. And with these women, Jordan realizes a lifelong dream - to feel the ocean breeze. An accidental find of a coffee can stash of cash, buried by her late husband, makes the trip possible. Based on the true story of Peggy Lee of Camilla, Texas (the Alzheimers, the patients, and the foster care program are actual, the trip to the Galveston beaches is fictional). Written by Bruce Cameron <dumarest@;
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 468
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