Synanon - (1965)

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Synanon - (1965)
  • Год: 1965
  • Создатель кинофильма: Ричард Куайн
  • Перевод : Профессиональный многоголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 105 мин. / 01:45
  • Рейтинг: 70
  • Актёры: Грегори Мортон, Эрта Китт, Стелла Стивенс, Барбара Луна, Эдмонд О’Брайен, ичард Эванс, ичард Конте, Чак Коннорс, Алекс Корд, Алехандро ей
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Synanon
  • Описание фильма: Whether dangerous or benign, the utopian impulse is almost always about control. We strive for perfection with small actions, working toward some greater change in our lives; our own slice of heaven. We blind ourselves to the dark undercurrents of our carefully controlled little worlds.
    That's what happened at Synanon. Members ignored the greater sins for the smaller ones. As members became more and more invested in the utopian project's minutiae, it became harder and harder to escape. Ultimately, Synanon collapsed under its own utopian hubris—a tyrant's ant farm masquerading as a grand experiment with the good life. And for some of the bruised and battered left in Synanon's wake, its undoing came none too soon.
    Images: Top two photos inside the Synanon organization come from the March 9, 1962 issue of Life magazine; Synanon's Santa Monica headquarters circa 1970 via ; 1965 movie poster for Synanon via the Movie Poster Database ; Screenshot from the 1971 film THX 1138; Richard Grotsley holding a snake in the October 13, 1978 edition of the Hutchinson News in Kansas; Two Synanites Bonnie Cunningham and Ellen Delgado look over the hair they and other women at a Synanon community in Santa Monica shaved off in February 1975 via Associated Press; Charles Dederich in 1979 via the Associated Press; 1978 CBS News screenshot of Connie Chung reporting on Synanon via YouTube ; Kids playing the Game circa 1977 via ; 2014 photo of the Hotel Casa Del Mar by Matt Novak

    This experiment with Lifestylers wouldn't last long, however, as this type of member was often accused of not being committed enough to the cause. Most Lifestylers washed out of the program, though some joined the ranks fully, leaving their homes behind as a show of true commitment.
    By 1968, the group was becoming even more isolationist, with Dederich declaring that it would no longer graduate any of their members. This meant that no addict who kicked their addiction would be allowed to "graduate" to a life outside of Synanon. What little pretense the group had about helping addicts rejoin the outside world had been dropped. Synanon was now the only place to be, a narrowly focused utopian experiment that was ready to swallow you whole.
    After the massive expansion into all parts of California, not to mention satellite offices in places as far out as Detroit, the business side of the organization was growing tremendously. In 1968, Synanon was bringing in roughly $ million from its various businesses, including gas stations and a manufacturer of branded promotional items. By 1976 it was grossing $ million, with estimated assets of over $30 million.
    Raising Kids
    Children inside the Synanon cult were raised communally. This was a common practice romanticized by utopian communities of the 19th and 20th century (including in Upton Sinclair's failed Helicon Home Colony ), though Synanon took it a step further than most.
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 392
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