How Do I Love Theea - (1970)

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How Do I Love Theea - (1970)
  • Год: 1970
  • Создатель кинофильма: Майкл Гордон
  • Перевод : DVO
  • Длительность: 110 мин. / 01:50
  • Рейтинг: 90.4
  • Актёры: Дон Беддоу, Темплтон Фокс, ик Ленц, озмари Форсайт, Шелли Уинтерс, Фритци Барр, Джеки Глисон, Soroya Farah, Морин О’Хара, Алекс Джерри
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: How Do I Love Thee?
  • Описание фильма: Gr 6-9-The tone of these three love stories is set with a quotation from the Song of Solomon describing the strength of love in life, and in death; this is further accentuated in the prologue that contains Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "How Do I Love Thee" to explain the effects of unconditional love. In the first selection, high school senior Brett, a leukemia survivor, meets Shayla, who has a sun allergy. They fall in love, and the drama peaks when her skin becomes badly burned after she falls asleep in a boat and she dies. In "Bobby's Girl," Dana is dating Bobby but once had a secret fling with his brother, who has terminal brain cancer, and he wants her back. In "Laura's Heart," a high school junior hospitalized because of heart damage falls for the night intern, and, in spite of parental objections, they see one another. In a melodramatic turn, he is shot and killed, but his heart is salvageable. An element of love poetry is worked into each story. Characters are highly sensitive and emotional, and have intense personalities. Moods range from complete happiness to total devastation. There's a level of realism here; but there is also a strong dose of drama, which will attract established fans of this author. This short-story format will give new readers a taste of McDaniel's style.
    Elizabeth Maggio, Palos Verdes Library District, Rolling Hills Estates, CA
    Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
    --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
    This was a reread for me; I had read so many Lurlene McDaniel's books when I was younger, and when I saw this for only $ at my local book store, I couldn't pass it up! I loved all of her work and couldn't read it fast enough! There's something about her stories that just draws you in and won't let go.
    This novel is comprised of three short stories: Night Vision, Bobby's Girl and Laura's Heart. Each is unique, but all the the theme of finding love and terminal illnesses. Night Vision is a short and sweet story. The characters fell in "love" too fast, but overall, it was a great short work. I wish it was longer so I could learn more about the characters!
    Unlike when I started Night Vision, I didn't remember Bobby's girl at all from when I was younger. As the story went on, pieces came back to me, but overall, the story was still 'new' to me. The MC in this novel faces a difficult decision when she has to choose between brothers. I couldn't decide who I was rooting for: Steve or Bobby, but either way, the story was still good.
    The final short story, Laura's Heart, also wasn't familiar to me but it was pretty good. I'm thinking Night Vision was one that stuck out because it involves a disease that I had never heard of before. Regardless, it was very enjoyable to reread these stories. Took me down memory lane to my childhood a bit (: I have another McDaniel book on my shelf now (also $!), and since they're fairly quick reads, I'll be starting that soon!
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 1052
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