Monkey on My Back - (1957)

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Monkey on My Back - (1957)
  • Год: 1957
  • Создатель кинофильма: Андре Де Тот
  • Перевод : Профессиональный многоголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 94 мин. / 01:34
  • Рейтинг: 63.6
  • Актёры: Джек Альбертсон, Лиза Голм, эймонд Гринлиф, Льюис Чарльз, Дайян Фостер, Дейтон Ламмис, Кэти Гарвер, Бэрри Келли, Пол ичардс, Кэмерон Митчелл
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Monkey on My Back
  • Описание фильма: Monkey On My Back, 1957 film
    Barney Ross was twice the welterweight champion in boxing. He joined the Marine Corps and won a Silver Star during WW II. This movie starts at a Federal Prison hospital for withdrawal from morphine. They administer smaller and smaller doses to kick the habit. [This was also used to quit cigarette smoking.] Barney Ross loved to gamble, but also lost at it. After the winning the title back he went to a night club where they had high-kicking dancers. He later met Cathy Holland in the park. Barney's gambling goes on. [A personality flaw?] He dined with Cathy and celebrates his winnings at a race track. Cathy can't afford to gamble. Barney's next fight doesn't go well for him. Is he through? He is smart enough to know when to quit boxing. His winnings go to pay his gambling debts.
    Barney opens a bar (with backing from a gambler). Big Ralph isn't happy with Barney's spending. Cathy decides to leave town to break off with Barney. Big Ralph takes over operations using Barney's debt to buy him out. Then the story returns to Barney's actions during the war. Barney is in action in Guadalcanal. [That bird is a kookaburra from Australia.] Tommy guns were used to flush snipers from trees. Barney rescues a wounded soldier. Barney uses grenades to stop an attack from more than a dozen enemy soldiers. Malaria affects him, he is given a shot to quiet him down. "That was the start." Only morphine reduced his pains from malaria. He returned with a need for morphine. Back home in Chicago he is a hero and appears at War Bond rallies. Barney gets a job in Public Relations to publicize businesses. Is he catching a cold? "What's the matter?" asks Cathy. Barney goes out at night to walk. [Note the small businesses on city streets.]
    Will breaking a mirror cause bad luck? Cathy calls Missing Persons to report Barney. He gets a visit from Mr. Rico who wants his money. Barney refuses to see a Doctor about his condition. But he goes to see Mr. Rico instead, who wants cash in advance. Barney's job performance suffers, he is laid off from his job. Cathy complains about his behavior. Mr. Rico calls to collect his debts, or else. Barney breaks a clay piggy bank! "I won't need this anymore." Barney prowls to find another addict and make a connection. But this is a robbery! The police arrive. Back home Barney finds Cathy is gone. But she returns to help him get clean. Barney goes to a Federal Hospital. His nerves disintegrate during the hell of withdrawal. After four month he is cured and discharged from this Navy hospital. Cathy is there for him.
    This is an interesting story about the dangers of opiate addiction for wounded soldiers. [I wonder why they didn't mention the percentages? How common was this for veterans?] The invention of the hypodermic needle was followed by the addiction of soldiers after the Civil War in 1860s America. Until it was restricted in 1914 drugs such as opium and cocaine could be bought legally. With use comes abuse and other bad effects. In the 1950s-1960s amphetamines were used for losing weight by appetite reduction. When their bad effects were learned their use was restricted.
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 558
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