Cada hijo una cruz - (1957)

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Cada hijo una cruz - (1957)
  • Год: 1957
  • Создатель кинофильма: Хуан Бустильо Оро
  • Перевод : Любительский многоголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 105 мин. / 01:45
  • Рейтинг: 73.6
  • Актёры: Хосе Гальвес, Эльвира Кинтана, Мигель Мансано, Фернандо Мендоза, Эстер Фернандес, Оскар Ортис де Пинедо, Луис Арагон, Хоакин Гарсия Варгас, Марикрус Оливье, Деметрио Гонзалез
  • Страна: Мексика
  • Имя фильма: Cada hijo una cruz
  • Описание фильма: Everything's heavy-handed and leadenly obvious in this family melodrama about adult children leaving home (usually in disgrace) so that everyone can be reunited for a joyous Christmas Eve at the end; a voice-over narrator extols the privileges and beauties of family life at every opportunity and hammers every other point home with the completest lack of even the comedy relief is delivered with sledgehammers. Nevertheless, there are some poignant moments. Contrasts interestingly with that Ozu I just FWIW, the print online is a very crisp one (no subs).
    I've seen this story filmed before, but I can't remember the other title, so I don't know ATM which one is the remake. I think this is the earlier
    EDIT: Oh, duh, it's a remake of Cuando los hijos se van (1941). But I'm still thinking there's a 3rd version in color with some Ye-Ye Generation content.
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 456
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