Zhang San Feng du chuang Shao Lin - (1976)

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Zhang San Feng du chuang Shao Lin - (1976)
  • Год: 1976
  • Создатель кинофильма: Min-hsiung Wu
  • Перевод : Профессиональный двухголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: -
  • Рейтинг: 74.8
  • Актёры: Лин Фенг, Сан Лин Чен, Ланг Хуа Ле, Хоу Чун Хсиа, Вэй Хунг Хо, Шу Лин Чанг, Фанг Шек, Чинг Чэн, Kuan-Hsiung Wang, O'Yau-man
  • Страна: Тайвань
  • Имя фильма: Zhang San Feng du chuang Shao Lin
  • Описание фильма:     "Zhang Sanfeng was a semi-mythical Chinese Taoist priest who is believed by some to have achieved immortality, said variously to date from either the late Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty or Ming Dynasty. His name is said to have been Zhang Junbao before he became a ; Zhang was indifferent to fame and wealth. After declining official position and dispatching his property to his clan, he traveled around China to live the life of an ascetic. Zhang spent several years at Hua Mountain before settling in Wu Tang ;    
        Much of the written material about him is mythical, contradictory, or otherwise suspect. For instance, he is reported by different people to have been born either in 960, 1247, or in 1279. He has at times been described as being seven-feet tall, with the bones of a crane and the posture of a pine tree, having whiskers shaped like a spear, and being able to cover 1000 li in a day (roughly 580 km or 350 miles). He is reputed to have worn a straw hat, and is usually depicted with one slung on his back, but two villages are reported in the 19th century Wu-yang Gazeteer to have believed that his hat was actually a cymbal, which only residents of the villages (famous for manufacturing cymbals) had permission to sound upon meeting ; Some sources record two Chinese emperors sending missions to Zhang Sanfeng to ask for his advice, although neither mission is reported to have found ;
        Owing to his legendary status, his name frequently appears in Chinese novels and Wuxia films of swordsmen as a spiritual teacher and master of martial ; Today, Chinese readers and general public are most acquainted with Jin Yong's version of Zhang Sanfeng, thanks to the popularity of his Wuxia novels. In his book The Heavenly Sword and Dragon Saber, Zhang Sanfeng was a former Shaolin disciple in the late Song Dynasty, and born on April 9, 1247 at midnight (Day 9 of month 3 in Chinese calendar). He later left Shaolin Temple and established the Taoist monasteries in Wudang Mountains. In the book he had seven disciples, and was alive until the late Yuan Dynasty. According to many regional gazettes, Zhang Sanfeng was seen at the end year of tianshun reign (1457-1464), having lived for more than 200 ;
    -  Zhang Sanfeng  
        "Zhang Sanfeng ("Zhang Triple Abundance" or "Zhang Three Peaks") is a famous Taoist said to have live between the end of the Yuan and beginning of the Ming ; His historical existence, however, is ; In early biographies―including the one in the Mingshi (History of Ming)―he is usually said to be a native of Yizhou (Liaoning), but other sources give different ; According to these works he was seven feet tall and had enormously big ears and eyes, his appearance suggested the longevity of a turtle and the immortality of a crane, and his beard and whiskers bristled like the blades of a ; He tied his hair in a knot and, regardless of the season, wore only a garment made of ; In his youth, Zhang is supposed to have studied Buddhism under the Chan master Haiyun (1021-56), but then mastered neidan and reached ; He was known for his extraordinary magical powers as well as his ability to prophesy.
        In the first years of the Ming period, Zhang reportedly established himself on Mount Wudang (Wudang Shan, Hubei), where he lived in a thatched ; With his pupils he rebuilt the mountain monasteries destroyed during the wars at the end of the Mongol ; From Mount Wudang, Zhang went to the Jintai guan (Abbey of the Golden Terrace) in Baoji (Shananxi), where he announced his departure, composed a hymn, and passed ; Later he came back to life, travelled to Sichuan, and visited Mount Wudang.
        The belief in the real existence of Zhang Sanfeng during the Ming Dynasty is reflected in the emperor's continued efforts to locate ; The search for Zhang started in 1391 by order of the Hongwu Emperor (1368-1398) and was extended from 1407 to 1419 by the Yongle Emperor (1403-1424).  Both sent out delegates several times, but they all returned without ; Promoted by the Ming emperor's interest, a cult developed around Zhang that spread widely and lasted until the later years of the Qing dynasty.
        As time went on, the legends about Zhang Sanfeng multiplied and became increasingly ; Zhang is known as the founder of taiji quan (a claim without historical evidence) and the patron saint of practitioners of this ; During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a connection to the sexual techniques (fangzhong shu) was also established and texts dealing with these practices were ascribed to ; The belief that Zhang was the master of Shen Wansan, a popular deity of wealth, led to his own identity as a god of wealth in the seventeenth ; The Western Branch (Xipai) of neidan and various Qing sects also regarded Zhang Sanfeng as their first ;
    -  Martina Darga, Encyclopedia of Taoism, 2008, p. 1233-35
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  • Просмотры: 579
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