A Girl's Life (ТВ) - (1981)

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A Girl's Life (ТВ) - (1981)
  • Год: 1981
  • Создатель кинофильма: Майкл Цинберг
  • Перевод : Дубляж
  • Длительность: -
  • Рейтинг: 62
  • Актёры: Карен Валентайн, Кристофер Оллпорт, Лаймен Уорд, Фред Драйер, Фил убенштейн, Джоан Хэккет
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: A Girl's Life (ТВ)
  • Описание фильма: This Girl's Life is the story of a not so average porn star and her not so average life. She makes it known right off the bat that she has not been abused by her father, uncle or priest and she is not on drugs or any of the other things you hear about your average porn star. In fact, she seems to be a very well adjusted young woman who has about 99% of her priorities in line. This is the story of Moon, played by a positively ravishing Juliette Marquis.
    Moon's mother died in a car accident when she was young and takes care of her father who has Parkinson's Disease and is willing to drop anything she is doing if he needs her. She even meets a guy that seems to suit her on a blind date while she struggles with wondering whether or not he was told what she does for a living and if that is in fact, the reason he is there. He turns out to be a decent guy and it seems Moon has everything going in the right direction for her. She just happens to be a porn star.
    There are hardly any negative characters in this movie. For the most part, everyone gets along and is likable to the viewer. The character development could have been a bit better. I knew who everyone was but did not know most of the names. Maybe I should pay closer attention but I had to figure out most of the character names from this site. Moon shows no attitude of being a successful porn star and even her boss, Aronson (played by Tomas Arana) was a likable guy. Later in the movie, a friend of Moon's asks her to hit on her boyfriend to see if he would cheat on her if given the opportunity and you get a few unlikeable characters once this happens (good job by Michael Rapaport). This is also where the movie takes a bit of a darker turn, but nothing huge.
    Juliette Marquis is a very good actress who has the looks and talent to become the next big thing in Hollywood. I believe she just needs her "big break". I truly hope to see big things come of her.
    James Woods was Pops, the Parkison's ridden father, who played that part to a tee. I compare his performance here to Edward Norton's in The Score. Woods proves he is an incredible actor.
    All in all, I could give this movie pretty high recommendations. The ending was a bit anti-climatic and I was a little let down by it, but the rest of the movie makes up for it. This is the first movie I have seen by director, Ash, and I will make it a point to see more of his movies. 8/10
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 620
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