Riding with James Dean - (1998)

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Riding with James Dean - (1998)
  • Год: 1998
  • Создатель кинофильма: Тим Пауэлл
  • Перевод : Многоголосный
  • Длительность: 93 мин. / 01:33
  • Рейтинг: 91.6
  • Актёры: Тина Корсини, Марни Керби, Боб Телфорд, Даррен Линдсэй, Бентли Митчэм, Патрик Уэверз
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Riding with James Dean
  • Описание фильма: Janey Cooper was a small town girl who worshiped James Dean. Eddie Heller was a mysterious stranger with a dangerous obsession. Haunted by the legacy of James Dean, he emerged from the shadows to steal her away. Set against the backdrop of torrid teenage passion and screeching hot rods, "Riding with James Dean" is a provocative film that captures the spirit of teenage rebellion in the fifties. "We set out to do a film that was a more accurate depiction of the fifties without the nostalgic cliches, " says Director Tim Powell. "Our concept was to do a character-driven drama as if it had actually been made in 1956 with its deliberate pace, sweeping vistas and orchestrated music score." Written by Anonymous

    Some movies have something special. You may dont know what it is but something keeps you watching. This is one of those movies. Its about beatiful old cars and young people. A young womans daily visits the grave of the legend James Dean. A strange car racer arrives to the town to compete in a race. Since he really starts fancy the young woman he do his best to get her interested. However she already have a
    The makers said the wanted to make a authentic 50´s movie and imo they did very well.
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 918
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