Звездный путь по-турецки - (1973)

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Звездный путь по-турецки - (1973)
  • Год: 1973
  • Создатель кинофильма: Hulki Saner
  • Перевод : Закадровый перевод
  • Длительность: 72 мин. / 01:12
  • Рейтинг: 67.6
  • Актёры: Elif Pektas, Кайхан Ильдизоглу, Nevhilal, Fsun Olga, Erol Ama, Cemil Sahbaz, Sule Tinaz, Ферди Мертер, Садри Алышык, Oytun Sanal
  • Страна: Турция
  • Имя фильма: Turist mer Uzay Yolu'nda
  • Описание фильма: This was apparently made by some resourceful Trek fans in Turkey around the same time as the Star Trek animated series, during the Trek drought of the seventies between the original series (ended in '69) and the 1st Trek movie in '79. One can look at it as a lost episode of the original series, composed of Trek bloopers, discarded scenes, and an overabundance of the ridiculous. It begins with the standard Trek visuals of the Enterprise zooming about in space, but as if shot thru a red filter, and quite blurry. This also uses the standard Trek background music and FX sounds from the sixties show (the music, however, doesn't always fit the action in the scene). Unfortunately, my version doesn't have an English vocal track or subtitles, but I could figure out within a few minutes that this aimed for a remake/parody of "The Man Trap" episode of the original show, featuring that salt-sucking monster (since that was the first episode of the original series to air, this makes me wonder if they intended to remake later episodes - next would have been "Charlie X"). This comic version also included some androids, including a male model-type dressed only in a loin cloth. Overall, it's an intriguing precursor to other Trek spoofs such as the famous "Saturday Night Live" episode with John Belushi.
    About 15 minutes in, the plot abruptly diverts to some Turkish dude from present times suddenly whisked (beamed away) from his low rent (shotgun?) wedding into the Trek adventure, where he interacts with all the main characters - kind of a wish fulfillment dream of all the Turkish fans, I guess. In the meantime, the salt creature takes the identity of several characters, though the way it sucks the salt out is portrayed a bit differently from the original episode. The costuming accurately copies that of the original series, with the same style uniforms. This also reminded me just how sexy those mini-skirted uniforms were on the female crew members - there's a few of 'em here - in one amusing scene where they train their 'phasers' on the visitor. Check out, also, the hairdo emulating the Yeoman Rand character - trippy. The sets also attempt to copy the Enterprise interior, though less successfully; the exteriors in the ruins are better realized. The humor really kicks in during the last half, with the salt creature terrorizing the tourist and other action stuff copying scenes from the "Arena" episode and, even better, the Kirk-Spock fight from "Amok Time." The scenes with the multitude of loin-clothed androids is a bit too bizarre, but the conclusion is appropriately amusing. The whole thing's just over 70 minutes long on my version. Maybe this helped in getting a new Trek series greenlit, then the motion picture, when it was realized that the whole planet was desperate for new Trek.

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  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 568
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