Carter's Wish - (2003)

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Carter's Wish - (2003)
  • Год: 2003
  • Создатель кинофильма: Кевин Шахиньян
  • Перевод : DVO
  • Длительность: 12 мин.
  • Рейтинг: 99.2
  • Актёры: Ануш НеВарт, Тьерра Эбботт, Бобби Харвэлл, Дастин Ингрэм, Боб Хувер, Гектор А. Гарсия, Энтони Ульрих, Йен Грин, Хейли Шеннон, Адам Кэгли
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Carter's Wish
  • Описание фильма: With an original spin on the disaster genre, this short cleverly manages to create a seemingly wonderful, magical mishap - a comedic romp in which a Genie's mistake causes everyone in the world's wishes to come true at random while skillfully juggling such a scenario's dire consequences and
    exploring the complexity of subconscious human desire. Instead of offering the typical deadly tornado or approaching asteroid, `Carter's Wish' offers viewers the paradox of a blissful catastrophe, in which an inept 12-year-old boy must save us all from our very own wishes, dreams, and deepest desires, materializing before our very eyes. The Genie's charm made up for a few sagging performances, but overall, this short film was very well done.

    Adam Cagley stars as lovable Carter Bigelow, a 12-year-old outcast with one simple wish. But after a catastrophic mistake made by a slightly absentminded Genie, Carter finds himself among the often hysterical, always amazing chaos of a world where everyone's wishes are coming true at random, everyone's except his, a serendipitous disaster that can only be reversed by the boy himself. Written by anonymous
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 496
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