Kohlhiesels Tchter - (1962)

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Kohlhiesels Tchter - (1962)
  • Год: 1962
  • Создатель кинофильма: Аксель фон Амбессер
  • Перевод : Дублирование
  • Длительность: 96 мин. / 01:36
  • Рейтинг: 72.8
  • Актёры: Joscy Larehn, ената Каше, Хайнц Холл, Лизелотте Пульвер, Гельмут Шмид, Alexa von Porembsky, Франц-Отто Крюгер, Петер Фогель, Генрих Гретлер, Дитмар Шенхер
  • Страна: Германия (ФРГ)
  • Имя фильма: Kohlhiesels Tchter
  • Описание фильма: Admittedly, most typical German-language comedies or romances from the 50s or early 60s are rather unrealistic, kitschy and just plain dumb. This one is different though. Yes, it is just a straightforward comedy that won't give you insights into the depths of human behavior or the course of the world, but it does have a smart plot idea, fantastic comical acting from the great Liselotte Pulver, Helmut Schmid (her real-life husband I believe), Dietmar Schönherr and Peter Vogel (deliciously slimy), and also several quite witty puns and linguistic jokes. Even the 3 or 4 songs - which usually are just horrible in German-language films from this period - have a certain self-irony that makes them bearable. As I am writing this the film has received an average rating of only (29 votes). I think it is vastly underrated, so I'm giving it a
  • Качество: DVD
  • Просмотры: 440
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