Carry on at Your Convenience - (1971)

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Carry on at Your Convenience - (1971)
  • Год: 1971
  • Создатель кинофильма: Джералд Томас
  • Перевод : Закадровый перевод
  • Длительность: 90 мин. / 01:30
  • Рейтинг: 77.6
  • Актёры: Хэтти Жак, Сидни Джеймс, ичард О’Каллаган, Кеннет Коуп, Пэтси оулэндс, Джеки Пайпер, Кеннет Уильямс, Джоан Симс, Чарльз Хоутри, Бернард Бресслоу
  • Страна: Великобритания
  • Имя фильма: Carry on at Your Convenience
  • Описание фильма: This is my favourite "Carry On" film.
    It has a gag per minute. Most of the gags are "telegraphed" and predictable but for me this makes them so much funnier.
    The film is about a toilet making factory owned by WC Boggs (note to US readers - a toilet in England is called a "bog"). 90% of the gags are related one way or another to toilets or biological functions.
    If you like slapstick and toilet humour then you will love this film.
    If you are pretentious and claim only to like "serious" humour then take that corn-cob out of your Khyber and watch this film anyway.
    Also recommended: "Carry on Abroad"; "Carry on Matron"; "Holiday on the Buses", and "Mutiny on the Buses".

    This is the tale of industrial strife at WC Boggs' Lavatory factory. Vic Spanner is the union representative who calls a strike at the drop of a hat; eventually everyone has to get fed up with him. This is also the ideal opportunity for lots of lavatorial Written by Simon N. McIntosh-Smith
  • Качество: DVD
  • Просмотры: 79
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