5 Steps to Danger - (1957)

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5 Steps to Danger - (1957)
  • Год: 1957
  • Создатель кинофильма: Генри С. Кеслер
  • Перевод : Закадровый перевод
  • Длительность: 81 мин. / 01:21
  • Рейтинг: 70.4
  • Актёры: Джинн Купер, Чарльз Дэвис, Вернер Клемперер, Стерлинг Хейден, ичард Гейнс, Джон Фредерик, Карл Людвиг Линдт, ут оман, Питер Хансен, Джон Митчум
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: 5 Steps to Danger
  • Описание фильма: Entertaining chase drama with a cold war twist. Ruth Roman, one of the more under appreciated actresses of the fifties, gives an excellent portrait of a woman pursued. Intelligent and capable with an underlying edge of hysteria since she's never completely sure of what's happening. Made just as the Cold War was starting to really make an impact on public consciousness the film uses that to it's advantage.
    The requisite romantic subplot is the weakest part of the story but part of that is due to having that stolid block of wood Sterling Hayden in the lead. A stronger actor would have made this even better.
    A minor spy film but one that keeps the tension taut and is strengthened by the strong work of its leading lady.

    When his car breaks down during a trip from Los Angeles to Texas John Emmett meets another motorist, Ann Nicholson, who offers him a lift. He learns that she is running away from her physician, Dr. Simmons, and the police, who want to question her about a murdered Central Intelligence Agent in Los Angeles. Anne, as it also turns out, is a native of Berlin, Germany. She had come into possession of a valuable secret formula for a 4000-mile-per-hour rocket, which is written on the reverse side of a small pocket mirror she carries. She wants to deliver this to a scientist in the United States. But, the scientist is an enemy agent as is her doctor and they, and the are after her. Written by Les Adams
  • Качество: DVD
  • Просмотры: 780
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