Dungeon Girl (видео) - (2008)

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Dungeon Girl (видео) - (2008)
  • Год: 2008
  • Создатель кинофильма: Улли Ломмель
  • Перевод : Профессиональный многоголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 81 мин. / 01:21
  • Рейтинг: 66.4
  • Актёры: Марсия Джеймс, Гюнтер Циглер, Дэррин МакДафф, Венди Джин Линн, Кристиан Бем, Стэйси Ворф, Гвен Треватан, Улли Ломмель, Хэнк Гордон, Francoise Kaane
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Dungeon Girl (видео)
  • Описание фильма: I've seen many movies in my day, and many bad ones. "Dungeon Girl" must be the worst, easily.
    There is simply nothing good to say about this production. The acting is appalling, the plot non-existent, and the music is beyond description.
    Supposedly, the movie is about the abduction and captivity of Natascha Kampusch in Austria a few years ago.
    The film starts with a strange mix of references to witches, and the repetition of the phrase "are you a witch"? I never realized exactly why this line keeps recurring throughout the film, which it does. In fact there are so many things in this movie which are left unexplained it's remarkable.
    The "story" centers around the girl being held in a basement, or so the title suggests, although the basement seems to be in the attic. The kidnapper is very fond of masturbating with a doll, playing the guitar and singing in really bad German. Apart from this, he cooks soup and gives the girl chocolate. Mixed with this are some odd scenes of flashbacks from the girls' early life which only confuse the viewer.
    Summary: A real stinker. Beware, though, the DVD has a rather deceptive cover which can trick you into renting it. Stay away from this one.
  • Качество: HD
  • Просмотры: 410
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