Epiphany: The Cycle of Life - (2006)

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Epiphany: The Cycle of Life - (2006)
  • Год: 2006
  • Создатель кинофильма: Ali Hossaini
  • Перевод : Профессиональный многоголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 85 мин. / 01:25
  • Рейтинг: 65.6
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Epiphany: The Cycle of Life
  • Описание фильма: How better to mark the first day of Epiphany than with a contribution from the esteemed Wesley Hill, who was kind enough to send us the text of the homily he is preaching today on Matthew 2:1-12.
    One of the reassuring things about the new Star Wars movie—which I confess I’ve only seen twice—is how predictable it is. Some of my friends have complained that it’s ridiculously derivative, virtually a remake of the first Star Wars from 1977, but most of us, I think, are very happy with how comforting the sameness feels. We have some of the same beloved characters who don’t seem to have changed one bit: Han Solo and Chewbacca are back piloting the Millennium Falcon. We don’t have the Empire anymore, but we do have the First Order whom we can rely on for the same nefarious schemes and overblown theatrics. We don’t have Darth Vader, but we do have a helmeted villain dressed in a melodramatic black robe whose muffled voice sounds remarkably similar. We don’t have Luke Skywalker anymore (at least, not in this episode), but we do have a spunky female lead character who looks for all the world like she could be Luke’s daughter. And we have a plot that arcs from a growing darkness to an eventual triumph of the light, climaxing with a thrilling light saber battle scene.
    We watch movies like Star Wars because we relish this kind of regularity and consistency. We like stories with obvious villains and equally obvious heroes, where goodness triumphs over evil, where the team we’re rooting for wins in the end. And perhaps we also watch because we wish our own lives conformed more to this kind of predictable plot. We wish the universe cohered more with our fond hopes that goodness is attainable and is always rewarded, and evil, no matter how powerful it might seem, is always called to account and vanquished in a final twist.
    Yet the season of the church year whose beginning we observe today is all about unpredictability and irregularity. The word “Epiphany,” in its secular usage, is about that moment when a king visits a city in his domain. He appears; he manifests himself. And he is met with obeisance and devotion. As a season of the church calendar, though, Epiphany takes us into a story whose plot does not conform to this secular expectation.
    Always let the wookie win!
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 556
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