TNA Назначение X (ТВ) - (2007)

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TNA Назначение X (ТВ) - (2007)
  • Год: 2007
  • Создатель кинофильма: -
  • Перевод : DVO
  • Длительность: 180 мин. / 03:00
  • Рейтинг: 79.6
  • Актёры: Стив Борден, Курт Энгл, Хомисайд, Аллен Джонс, Брайан Джеймс, Крис Сабин, Шоун Эрнандез, Терри Джерин, Гэйл Ким, Остин Ариес
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: TNA Wrestling: Destination X
  • Описание фильма: I'm going to try to do what many refuse to do when discussing TNA in that I will try my best not to mention WWE in this review.
    TNA came onto the scene in 2002 to fill the void left by the closures of ECW and WCW the previous year. Unable to initially obtain a spot on cable television, the early shows were broadcast on PPV. The roster was filled with various names from the defunct big leagues, but what made TNA distinct was their innovative X-division. These early shows were honestly some of the worst wrestling shows I have ever Imagine having to pay $ to watch an episode of WCW Nitro during the Russo years. It was an unwritten agreement in this era that the audience would ignore TNA's low points as long as we got our weekly 5-star X-division match.
    2004-06 were TNA's golden years. TNA landed a spot on Spike TV it was only up from the weekly PPV era. The roster was arguably at its best, that aforementioned X-division was on fire, and huge names like Christian Cage, Sting, and Kurt Angle became major acquisitions. Late 2006 saw a noticeable dip in quality when Vince Russo came back on board as head writer, we were treated to many of the same shenanigans he pulled back when he was writing for WCW a year before its demise. Regardless TNA achieved highest ratings, drawing 2 million viewers a week, in 2008 with the Main Event Mafia vs TNA Frontline storyline. This would have been a perfect time for the old school legends (Mafia) to pass the torch to the X-Division favorites (Frontline) who had put butts in the seats since day one. Unfortunately the storyline ended with the Mafia on top, feuding amongst themselves, whilst the Frontline just rapidly dissolved without fanfare. At this point many fans labeled TNA a retirement home for legends who weren't needed in greener pastures. Not long after this storyline ended in 2009, TNA announced they had signed Hulk Hogan to come on board.
    With Hulk Hogan came a total makeover for TNA. For a few months Hogan filled the roster with a bunch of his out-of-shape and over-the-hill pals. Most of them were released within a couple of months. He then moved Impact to Monday nights in an effort to rechristen the beloved Monday Night such actions plummeted TNA's ratings to its lowest ratings ever. Impact returned to Thursday nights with its tail between its legs after dropping to an abysmal
    Despite all of this, things improved in late 2011, after Vince Russo left the company. TNA did what it should have done with the Mafia storyline, and put the TNA originals in the main event. Perhaps it was a reluctant change, with many of TNA's legends getting too old, too unreliable, or finally moving onto those greener pastures, but it was an improvement nonetheless. Since late 2011 five wrestlers were built up to hold world championship gold who never held world titles in another company.
    Although the quality of the shows have gone up drastically, and is an enjoyable watch on any given week, perhaps the changes came too late. Impact's ratings are at the lowest since they first debuted on Spike. TNA going on the road for TV tapings was thought initially to be a step in the right instead it is loosing the company $600,000 per taping. Marks on the message boards have been prophesying the fall of TNA since 2003, thankfully they have been wrong, and I hope the current predictions made today prove to be wrong. TNA is the company that everyone had high hopes for. The fact that this show had one of the greatest rosters ever assembled at one time yet could never produce impressive ratings is baffling. Nobody is to blame but TNA's management, which even at its highest points (including today), has always been dismal. Still, at its best TNA offered a fine alternative to Well, at least I came close to not mentioning WWE.
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 512
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