Sunset in the West - (1950)

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Sunset in the West - (1950)
  • Год: 1950
  • Создатель кинофильма: Уильям Уитни
  • Перевод : Закадровый перевод
  • Длительность: 67 мин. / 01:07
  • Рейтинг: 92.8
  • Актёры: Гордон Джонс, Эстелита одригес, Уильям Таннен, Стив Пендлтон, Триггер, Пьер Уаткин, ой оджерс, Пенни Эдвардс, Чарльз Ла Торре, Уилл айт
  • Страна: США
  • Имя фильма: Sunset in the West
  • Описание фильма: 1:22 PM: Just in via e-mail:
    Today, Mayor Murray released the following statement:
    “I am announcing my resignation as mayor, effective at 5 tomorrow.
    “While the allegations against me are not true, it is important that my personal issues do not affect the ability of our City government to conduct the public’s business.
    “I’m proud of all that I have accomplished over my 19 years in the Legislature, where I was able to pass what were at the time the largest transportation packages in state history, a landmark gay civil rights bill and a historic marriage equality bill.
    “And I am proud of what we have accomplished together at the City during my time as mayor, passing a nation-leading $15 minimum wage, and major progressive housing affordability and police accountability legislation, as well as negotiating an agreement to build a world-class arena that I believe in time will bring the NHL and NBA to Seattle.
    “But it has also become clear to me that in light of the latest news reports it is best for the city if I step aside.
    “To the people of this special city and to my dedicated staff, I am sorry for this painful situation.
    “In the interest of an orderly transition of power, Council President Bruce Harrell will become Mayor upon my resignation, and will decide within the following five days whether he will fill out the remainder of my term. During this time Director of Operations Fred Podesta has been tasked with leading the transition.”
    The announcement was made hours after The Seattle Times reported new accusations of sexual abuse by Murray, this time from a cousin.
    Four months ago, Murray gathered supporters at the Alki Bathhouse noting that it was near his boyhood home in West Seattle to announce that he would not run for re-election, but until today, he had continued to insist that he would finish out his term.
    1:54 PM: As noted in the comment section, Council President Harrell circulated this memo a month ago, regarding succession if the mayor resigned. (Thanks to SCC Insight for making the memo easy to find.) It elaborates on what Murrays statement mentions that Harrell becomes acting mayor but can decide within five days whether he wants to keep that role until a new mayor is elected in November. If he declines it, the council would elect someone else from its ranks to serve as acting mayor, and then would have to fill that councilmembers job.
    2:41 PM: And if youre still confused a statement just e-mailed by City Attorney Pete Holmes says hes helping to sort it out:
    “As City Attorney, my number one priority is maintaining continuity of government operations for the people of the City of Seattle. My office is advising the City Council and the Mayor’s Office on next legal steps forward under the City Charter.”
    3:54 PM: Council President Harrell isnt saying yet whether hell keep the interim mayorship beyond a few days. In this statement, he says, I intend to make an announcement within the five days on my intentions and will talk to my family, my colleagues on the Seattle City Council, and trusted members of our city on this decision with the understanding that the City and continuity of governance comes before all other factors.

    By Tracy Record
    West Seattle Blog editor
    When city staff booked a Queen Anne movie theater for a doubleheader public hearing before the City Councils Planning, Land Use, and Zoning Committee , they seriously underestimated the amount of time and space they would need.
    Last nights hearing at SIFF Cinema Uptown was scheduled for an hour and a half of public comment on the HALA upzoning proposal for the Uptown area, and then two hours of public comment on proposed changes to the citys Design Review program.
    The former turned out to be the hottest ticket. When we arrived around 6:40 pm, planning to cover the Design Review hearing, we found dozens of people waiting outside the theater not for one of the movies in the other two auditoriums, but for the upzoning hearing. The theater had declared Auditorium 3 at capacity and was only letting people in to replace those who left; we had to argue our way in.
    As it turned out, though, we might as well have waited, as the Uptown hearing ran an hour extra. It was a standing-room-only crowd, with four councilmembers committee chair Rob Johnson, vice chair Mike OBrien, Tim Burgess, and Sally Bagshaw present for that hearing, while only Johnson and OBrien stayed for the Design Review hearing. (West Seattle/South Park Councilmember Lisa Herbold, who is a member of the committee, was not there.)
    Uptown testimony finally wrapped up just after 8 pm, and Johnson ordered the proceedings to move immediately into the Design Review topic. A very quick overview was given by Christina Ghan from the Department of Construction and Inspections , and then it was on into the ~40 people who had signed up to speak. Seattle Channel was there, recording, but as of this writing, its video of the marathon hearing hasnt appeared online, so heres what we recorded. Theres literally nothing to see after the first couple slides, as our angle didnt get the speakers (who were almost all down on the auditorium floor anyway), but you can play it as audio in the background.

    Below highlights of each speaker. Not full transcriptions youll want to listen, to get the entirety of what was said. In summary, the criticism was wide-ranging, and not necessarily along the lines youd expect. Criticism of the proposed early community engagement component ranged from leaving the fox in charge of the hen house to adds even more unpredictability for project teams; last-minute amendments led to a variety of concerns about changing the thresholds for design review, either raising them or lowering them. And several people suggested that adding staffing to SDCI would be the best way to speed up project reviews, expressing doubt that the design-review process was really a major factor in delays. Only a few people alluded to the amendments brought up last Friday ( see them here ). Ahead, the toplines:
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  • Просмотры: 542
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