The Death of Alice Blue - (2009)

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The Death of Alice Blue - (2009)
  • Год: 2009
  • Создатель кинофильма: Парк Бенч
  • Перевод : Дубляж
  • Длительность: 87 мин. / 01:27
  • Рейтинг: 88
  • Актёры: Конрад Коутс, Алекс Аппель, Вероника Харник, Барбара адеки, Кэролин Данн, Аманда Бругел, Кристен Холден- ид, Миган Фаленбок, Гордон Карри, Парк Бенч
  • Страна: Канада
  • Имя фильма: The Death of Alice Blue
  • Описание фильма: Alice (Alex Appel, by far the best thing in this stupid film) is a weirdo with a new job in this decrepit horrible looking agency, with deeply unpleasant weirdo co-workers However, it turns out that the agency is run by vampires. (oh ) But, her co-workers (for reasons best known to themselves) are prepared to help her stop the doing whatever scheme they have in mind.
    But wait- it turns out Alex may actually be a vampire herself, or at least from some long line of super vampires. something.
    Does this add an exciting twist to the tale? Nope. I'm being vague here because this film makes no frickin sense, has silly random for the sake of it scenes and is deeply deeply annoying and pretentious. Yes, pretentious. I don't like using the word and you probably don't like reading the word. Reason being, it's often a lazy way of reviewing a film, with the word "pretentious" often being used as a substitute for "I didn't understand it". But trust me this film is waaaay pretentious. Notice how I have said very little about the actual plot? That's because the *cough* "plot" is a convoluted mess. The performances (with the exception of producer and star Alex Appel) are terrible. I could actually imagine some dude offscreen with the script lines written in huge block capital letters, they're that unconvincing.
    Anyway, it really really sucked (no pun intended) and I don't even have the passion to review it heartily as it's just a pile of random scenes held (sort of) together by a very threadbare plot.
    A very generous 3/10, mainly for Alex Appel, and the fact that it at least tried to put a different spin on things, even if it did fail miserably.
  • Качество: BD
  • Просмотры: 572
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