Убивая папу или как любить мать - (1990)

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Убивая папу или как любить мать - (1990)
  • Год: 1990
  • Создатель кинофильма: Майкл Остин
  • Перевод : Профессиональный двухголосый закадровый
  • Длительность: 93 мин. / 01:33
  • Рейтинг: 79.2
  • Актёры: ичард Э. Грант, Анна Чэнселлор, Денхолм Эллиот, Питер Геддис, Энтони Хиггинсон, Дэвид Остин, Лаура дель Соль, Джастин Кейс, оджер Брирли, Сидни Ливингстоун
  • Страна: Великобритания
  • Имя фильма: Killing Dad or How to Love Your Mother
  • Описание фильма: Richard Curtis and Emma Thompson 30. Her crying was unscripted. Emma came up with the bawling her eyes out.
    31. Liam Neeson's character, Daniel, has a love story with he later calls Karen. That's Emma's character's name just in case you were (dies happy)
    32. Liam Neeson's toothpick? He had just quit smoking and needed something to replace the cigarettes.
    33. The film had 14 storylines to begin with, but let's face it that's too many. In fact two too many, so two were cut.
    34. Andrew Lincoln wrote his 'To Me, You Are Perfect' signs himself because he thought his "handwriting was really good".
    35. Joanna's amazing All I Want For Christmas Is You was too good! Curtis made her re-do it to make it sound more like a child singing.
    36. Those Barbies Emma Thompson holds up? Ken dolls in drag. Yep really.
    37. BUT the best fact EVER - actually is actually said 23 times in the film. 22 by the characters, once in the monologue.

    Love Actually 21. Andrew Lincoln's famous giant cards scene was inspired by Bob Dylan's video for Subterranean Homesick Blues.
    22. Curtis wrote five versions of the scene and then read them to women in his office just to check they weren't too mushy.
    23. Andrew Lincoln's character is the closest character to himself that Richard has ever written - according to his wife.
    24. In the UK version we hear the Sugababes Too Lost in You, the US got Kelly Clarkson's The Trouble With Love Is.
    25. The wedding scene where the band play All You Need is Love was inspired by The Muppets Jim Henson's funeral. Cheerful.
    26. The PM character is based on Ted Heath - who was a bachelor.
    27. We all loved it but Grant was very grumpy about dancing around No. 10.
    28. Though it wasn't actually No. 10, the crew tried to get permission but were told no.
    29. Emma Thompson is wearing a fat suit.
  • Качество: DVD
  • Просмотры: 188
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